Saturday, February 25, 2017

Alcoholic beverage

Alcohol is the most frequently used drug by teenagers in the United States. About half of junior high and senior high school students drink alcohol on a monthly basis, and 14% of teens have been intoxicated at least once in the past year. Nearly 8% of teens who drink say they drink at least five or more alcoholic drinks in a row (binge drink). What are the dangerous effects of alcohol use in teens? Just a few of the many dangerous effects of alcohol use in teens include the following: * Alcohol decreases teens' ability to pay attention.

* Teens who have experienced alcohol withdrawal tend to have difficulties with memory. * In contrast to adults, teens tend to abuse alcohol with other substances, usually marijuana. * Male teens who drink heavily tend to complete fewer years of education compared to male teens who do not. * The younger a person is when they begin drinking, the more likely they are to develop a problem with alcohol. * Each year, almost 2,000 people under the age of 21 years die in car crashes in which underage drinking is involved wealthdisparity.

Alcohol is involved in nearly half of all violent deaths involving teens. * More than three times the number of eighth-grade girls who drink heavily said they have attempted suicide compared to girls in that grade who do not drink. * Intoxication is associated with suicide attempts using more lethal methods, and positive blood alcohol levels are often found in people who complete suicide. * Teens who drink are more likely to engage in sexual activity, have unprotected sex, have sex with a stranger, or be the victim or perpetrator of a sexual assault.

* Excess alcohol use can cause or mask other emotional problems, likeanxiety or depression. * Drinking in excess can lead to the use of other drugs, like marijuana, cocaine, or heroin. You are here: Life Challenges >> Alcohol Addiction - Learn More! >> Teen Alcohol Addiction What can be done to combat teen alcohol addiction? Sadly, one of the main problems in this modern age is that of teen alcohol addiction. The reasons for this are many, the main ones being: * Peer.

Pressure to go in for regular binge drinking * Examples set by parents or siblings who drink heavily * A way of escape from the hopelessness of a life that seems to be going nowhere * Courage in order to face emotional pain or insurmountable problems * Simply having fun. The teen years are a turbulent time of life in the normal way of human development. If the problem of constant drinking is added to this, there are very serious dangers and pitfalls ahead for these teenagers.

Often, they will develop psychiatric problems such as depression, anxiety, or an antisocial personality that goes much further than the usual period of rebellious behavior that most teenagers go through. Uncontrollable anger can be another result of an addiction to alcohol and there are many instances where teenagers create crimes. The most recent studies of this problem show that the two main causes for the deaths of those between fifteen and twenty four years old are road accidents and suicide. There are also a high proportion of teenagers whose addiction to alcohol has led them into taking drugs.

This problem of teen addiction to alcohol can bring only disaster to the young people concerned and misery to their families and those who care about them. Teen alcohol addiction - Is there any hope for a teenager who wants to get his life straightened out? Yes, there are many programs and support groups dedicated to helping young people to break free from their drinking habits and also drugs. The most effective ones are the Christian addiction recovery centers as they go one step further by bringing the love of God into the crippled lives of these teens.

This gives them a vital ingredient -- hope for the future -- because the most important thing that they learn is that their Heavenly Father has a purpose and a plan for them that will lead them into becoming mature adults with deeply satisfying and fulfilled lives. Teens and Alcohol Save This Article For Later Share this: Font size: AAA Alcohol is a very powerful, addictive drug that some adults enjoy in low doses, but that is damaging or even lethal in high doses. Many adults drink moderately and safely. Yet other people drink too much and get hurt.

For teens, alcohol can be very harmful -- and it's illegal. Check out the following Q&A to update your knowledge of alcohol and teen drinking. Share this information with a friend, especially if you know someone who is an underage drinker. Commonly Abused Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs What Is Alcohol? The scientific name for alcohol that people drink is ethyl alcohol or ethanol. Beer, wine, and liquor all contain ethyl alcohol. Other types of alcohol, like rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol), are poisonous if ingested.

What Happens When You Drink Alcohol? After you drink an alcoholic beverage like beer or wine, the alcohol enters your bloodstream from your stomach and small intestine. From there, it travels to your brain. There, it slows reaction time, makes you less coordinated, impairs yourvision, and -- even at relatively low doses -- leads to unclear thinking and problems making good judgments. Is Alcohol Addictive? Yes, alcohol is highly addictive. About 18 million adults are addicted to alcohol.

This means they need to drink alcohol in order to function normally, and their drinking causes problems in their lives Alcohol addiction can begin at any time in someone's life, but starting to drink when you are a teenager increases the risk for addiction. About half of U. S. teens who start drinking alcohol before age 14 will be addicted to it at some point. Only 9% of people in the U. S. who wait until they turn 21 will be addicted at some point. Is One Type of Alcoholic Drink Safer than Another? No. All alcoholic drinks contain alcohol, and all can be just as dangerous.

The more alcohol you drink, the more you will be impaired. Beer, wine, and liquor all contain different amounts of alcohol. Beer is between 3% and 5% percent alcohol; wine is about 12%; and liquor usually is about 40% alcohol. One beer has about the same amount of alcohol as one glass of wine or one "shot" of liquor. Why Do People Drink Alcohol? Drinking alcohol is a social activity -- most people drink with friends. Because alcohol makes people feel less inhibited, they feel more at ease socializing after a drink. People also drink just because other people are drinking.

For many people, it feels good to be doing what everybody else is doing. But drinking just because everybody else is can lead to problems, especially if people are drinking too much. On the other hand, many people enjoy the taste of alcoholic beverages. And when consumed by adults in small to moderate amounts, especially with meals, alcohol may good for the heart. — This paper compares samples of 15–16-year-olds from the UK and France on their usage of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs and also seeks to describe the associations between alcohol and other drug use with ‘family variables’ within the two countries.

Compared to UK adolescents, French adolescents showed a slightly higher rate of cigarette smoking, were almost identical on cannabis use, rather lower on the use of other illicit drugs and very considerably lower on alcohol use. Family variables were related to substance use. In the two countries, children from non-intact families, those who were not satisfied with their relationships with their father or mother and those who were less closely monitored, were more likely to be heavy substance users than other students.

Logistic regressions showed that parental knowledge of the whereabouts of their offspring on Saturday evenings was the strongest factor, in both countries, that family structure is frequently still significant in the UK, and that paternal relationships are highly significant among French students. Differences in national drinking culture, urbanization and parental practices are discussed in an attempt to interpret some of these findings.

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